Battery keeps dying replaced battery now can't jump start it and there's a buzzing alarm sound coming from the fuse box...HELP!!!
Asked by Brandy Mar 03, 2014 at 05:42 PM about the 2002 Buick LeSabre Limited Sedan FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
We replaced the battery and has worked quite well except on really cold days. Today she
was dead tried to jump her but no go. She seems to get power but won't go. While trying
there was a new noise from the backseat. Seems to be coming from the fuse box, it's a
buzzing alarm sound. Have no idea what to do next.
11 Answers
Was it a new from the store battery or just a different battery someone gave you? The only time I have seen that crazy stuff happen is when the battery is absolutely stone cold dead and won't even take a charge. When you try and put a jump to it, or one of those 50 amp engine boosts, it will make the whole system go nuts. Try a new battery. Then see if she starts. If not, let us know.
Having the same problem, did you ever learn what was causing this?
I got that same problem an I just bought another battery same thing happens it starts an then I'll go completely dead then it starts clicking
How long does it take the battery to go dead? Does your car work for a day, then after that, it won't start again?
Justin, Jump start your car and then head to your nearest Autozone and have them put a volt meter on your alternator. If reading less than 14 volts, your alternator is the issue. I'm guessing your car runs fine for about a day, then the next morning it's dead. Sounds like your alternator isn't charging the battery.
That's it as soon as I get the jump and take the cables off it goes back to square one dead.
That is because the battery is totally dead and I'm guessing that your alternator is shot. It will start and stay running as long as the jumper cables are there. But since your battery is completely dead, as soon as you remove the cables, it dies. If you have a battery charger, remove battery, charge it and put it back in and drive to Autozone. Once you get there, don't shut the car off. They need it running to test the alternator. If you shut it off, it will not start again without a jump.
I have a 93 lesabre. New battery and new alternator. Battery is still going dead after driving it for a day. Boost it off and it runs and stays running. Then after a while it dies and the battery is dead again.. It charges for a while then I don't know what happens
AJHolland, after driving the car and you are certain that the battery is charged, unhook one of the cables. The next morning, hook the cable back up. If the car starts right up, you know that it's not your battery or alternator. You most likely have a parasitic draw. Go to Youtube and check out the videos on how to test for a parasitic draw.
asshole responses just telling you shits old or broke, alternator and battery are mint dude, this still happening