4lo traction control light and check engine light on 2007 Toyota tundra
I have these lights on they came on after the
shop changed the brake fluid The dealer reset
the computer and said there was no codes for
the lights I recently changed my mass airflow
sensor and the lights came on again could
this be because of the mass airflow sensor or
for some other problem I disconnect the
negative for five minutes hooked back up
drive it 5 miles down the road or just not even
a mile down the road and they come on again
doesn’t affect the driving by any means it
drives fine throttles fine everything‘s fine
justThe lights could use some help I have no
broken wires on any of my wheel sensors I
haven’t pulled the sensors out to look at them
physically as far as I can tail the ground wires
look good I haven’t checked the wires on the
block or the frame yet that’s next the dealer
Toyota dealer charges just a hook up to the
computer so I want to knock everything out
that I can before I go and have them hook it
up to the computer