My battery went dead fault. after i boostesd it i had no radio
6 Answers
using the proper prcedure to boost a battery would do nothing harmful so it is coincidence or you touched a wiring harness and blew a fuse or fried a circuit. get out your electrical tester and see
I use a tester to double check that the fuse is indeed good. I have visually checked a few that looked fine to the eye but blown according to ohm meter
you check fuses by ohms? you remove the fuse and check resistance? really? as opposed to checking for power to both sides? okay sure, i suggest, key on, and check for power to both sides. no need to complicate things. might be fuse on back of unit as well, dont remember. 2003 range rover is a bmw E53 in disguise keep in mind.
yep I pull out a plug in fuse and put a lead on each metal prong and check resistance - got to pull the fuse anyway to look at it. I'm not sure what both sides you check power to , if you put one lead of the meter in one slot and the other lead in the other slot of the fuse holder you got power whether or not the fuse is good or not - you have power even if no fuse is in the fuse holder,
power on one slot of the fuse, cant have power on both slots, there would be no potential difference and hence no ground to complete a circuit. i mean check power on both sides with fuse pluged in. thass way theres exposed metal tabs on top of fuse prongs before and after the fusible link inside the fuse. Dosnt matter, I dont think you understand what im talking about. Your method could work too.