When I turn the key, I get power to lights, radio, and air but the car will not start. No other sounds present to indicate, fuel pump has engaged. No clicking indicating a problem with starter or alternator.


Asked by kkey Jan 21, 2013 at 12:29 PM about the 1996 Acura TL 3.2 FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

63 Answers


try tapping the starter as sone turns the key may be dead spot ond the com or pre engement solinoid make sure its in nutral phil

42 people found this helpful.

ok I will try that! I saw some of the other posts here, that mention the horn/stop fuse. Could that also be causing my problem?

37 people found this helpful.

No clicking means that the starter motor solenoid is not seeing voltage when the key is turned. It could be a bad ignition switch or transmission safety switch. Check the fuses.

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is it auto or manual if auto hold key to start foot brake on and move gear selector about a bit in nuetral and then try again in park as suggest could be inhibitor switch fault if your on your own see if can fond the push in feed to starter solinoid conect test light to it and then try key again if light cames on starteror bad earth if not then wiring . you might be able to put a feed to solinoid but remember if it starts then nake sure in nuetral andnot standing in front of car then if starts you can get it to a garage brst of luck phil

49 people found this helpful.

Change a fuse and it worked. Thank you guys, very much!! kk

51 people found this helpful.

Glad you found the problem. Now the big question is why did the fuse blow?

27 people found this helpful.

hey KKEY. i have the same problem. which fuse did u change?

69 people found this helpful.

Yes, which fuse did you change? I got same problem.

53 people found this helpful.

where's located the transmission safety switch?

43 people found this helpful.

hello everyone. I had a problem similar to yours and after replacing starter/solenoid, ignition, starter relay and cables, I was so frustrated that I finally decided to tow it to the dealership. For some reason before i did I decided to check the ground cable also. The one from the battery to the block seemed ok and when I grabbed the short one from the block to the frame it was just hanging there loose. That's why it was an intermittent problem. Now all my door locks and alarm systems work great and it starts every time. So check the little stuff first. It pays to be patient

38 people found this helpful.

My starter was bad in my 1999 Chrysler town and country 3.8l limited. So I put a new starter in and my van still will not start. But I have power going to the start. If I take a wire from the power source on the starter and touch it to the small metal peace inside the connector plug the starter will kick on. But if I reconnect the plug and try to turn the key it will not start up. If any one can try to help that would be very appreciated. Thank you. AJ

23 people found this helpful.

Why when you change a ignition starter key does the horn /stop fuse blow and then the car don't start ? We spent the whole day trying to figure it out now even the dealer knew the troubleshooting didn't know nobody knew but the answer center thank you very much!!!

15 people found this helpful.

What fuse did you change can any one help

33 people found this helpful.

I have a problem.wit accura tl 3.2 1998.when ever am driving my speed wil not pik beyond 40 pls tell me d problem I hav spend money.and.there is always sund when ever I put on revice.pls kindly teel me wht to do.

11 people found this helpful.

Peak at 40 mph problem... Check your timing / distributer cap.

6 people found this helpful.

So I have an 08 Chrysler town and country I have power when I turn the key to an on position radio and lights come on just fine but when I try and turn the key to start it's making a click sound very low milienge on the car can anyone help

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So I have an 08 Chrysler town and country I have power when I turn the key to an on position radio and lights come on just fine but when I try and turn the key to start it's making a click sound very low milienge on the car can anyone help

3 people found this helpful.

Did anyone ever find out what FUSE Kkey changed?!?!

12 people found this helpful.

Curious what fuse as well. Having the same issue and brought to the mechanic numerous times as well. We've tried replacing everything and still has an issue and its not all the time.

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I want to know which fuse as well. Have new battery and electric seems to work when I turn the key, but engine won't turn over, and no clicking it any other noise (except the door-open dinging). Am told it's either the ignition switch, starter solenoid, connections to the aforementioned, or a fuse. Fuses and connections are easiest to check/replace first, needless to say. I'm going to have my car towed to the shop in a few minutes, so if I figure anything out, will post a follow-up. In the meantime, if anyone knows which fuse, please let us know! Thanks!

15 people found this helpful.

It's probably the main battery fuse

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You can listen to all these answers but bottom line I just had all the same shit happen to me 02 Acura TL no start when I turn the key only one click and all the accessories lights went on full Voltage from the battery I replace the starter fired right up so no need to look for all the other miners shit you have to replace the starter it's an easy fix right by the battery it was accessible without having to lift the car up it was a piece of cake and the part was only $107 if I can do it you can do it

21 people found this helpful.

I replaced the starter and other things and still had issues...was told at that point was prob the computer...expensive fix and not worth for that old of a car...mine was a 99..so I solved the prob by leasing myself a new and more importantly SAFE vehicle....good luck everyone!!!

4 people found this helpful.

RRivalsguy, I'm have the same problem as yours! My battery is good just won't start up, I'm not mechanical blessed to fix it, but do you think you could do the job?

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I had to answer this for all of you out there because I've had this problem for six months to a year and just did something that magically worked! I took the key out and suspecting that it was the ignition switch it the heel of my fist on the area around the ignition switch and ignition three times and I put the key in the car started

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I had the same problem yesterday morning. I removed the ignition coil fuse and crank the car. Put the fuse back in and the car started. IGN COIL

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Heyy I have a 2002 Acura TL S with 360,086 miles went to the store and returned back out in 20 mins. Then tried to start the car and it would not start. Car has a new battery, all the lights are on, (dash, headlights, interior). This happened 6 days ago but a friend came over put it in neutral and moved it off the lawn and into the street. Next, they put the car in neutral turned the key and it came on. After putting in park it started to crank each time. I am not sure how or why it started running fine after that. Here we are 6 days later and now after a run to the store it won't crank all lights are on and when trying to turn the key on in park the d5 is lit up....is that normal? I do slightly hear a clicking noise when trying to crank...

21 people found this helpful.

Okay, the IGN COIL fuse thing was just coincident. It was a bad starter. I didn't suspect it as first. The starter was just replaced with an OEM refurbished unit 6 months ago. Towed it back to dealer. It shows that it was a bad starter. starter replaced and working fine now (crossed fingers). According to tech, apparently the moving the car a little bit by rolling it back and forth could put the starter solenoid in a position where it could engage and crack so sometimes it ends up in a bad spot and will not start.

10 people found this helpful.

Mine was also the starter on 2004 acura rsx

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I just found this thread for the same problem. Changed the fuel pump fuse and the ignition fuse. Both are 15amp small fuses. They were not broken in the middle, but the plug prongs were "crispy" looking. Works okay now. Also changed the fuel pump relay, as older Hondas & Acuras have problem if your car is starting when its cool but not when it is hot outside...this might be the problem (this was first problem). Hope this helps.

11 people found this helpful.

I have a 2005 Acura TL. Just recently I started having trouble starting the car. About two years ago the key fob stop opening the passenger's side door. No big deal. More recently, I stopped opening the driver's side door. It still opens both rear doors and the trunk. Sometimes the car starts, sometimes it doesn't, eventually, I get the car started. I had the battery and starter checked, My husband checked the fuses and wires. Today I tried the valet key and it starts the car every time. I called my local Acura dealer to ask if the chips in the key go bad, of course his answer was to bring the car in. I don't know if the car will continue to start with the valet key, but it's worth a try. They want almost $500.00 to replace the key and program it. When you compare the valet key to the original key, the original key is not as sharp as to the edges as the valet key that has rarely been used. Any ideas or comments? House2go

10 people found this helpful.

For me it was the Ignition switch. As soon as i put the new one on it started right up on the first turn.

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today I have figured the problem to this is turn your car off take out the battery there is no need to new one at all the to big bars on each side of the batter might have some corrhante what u wana do is grab a small blade from the nail cutter and try to pell it off slowly not to hard afther that is done put the battery back in nice and tight real tight give the computer system bout 15 min to read the battery sytem then try to turn your car back on and if the radio says code don't worry is right on your insturtion manuel

10 people found this helpful.

On my 2004 acura tl, the positive side cable splits with one wire going to starter, and the other going somewhere else. I openned the wire up to the Y and found the wires going to the starter corroded. I bought a new terminal, but the connection wasn't great, so I took it to my local battery exchange shop, and he put a terminal that fit the two wires better, and I haven't had a problem starting since. Prior to finding the issue, I did replace the starter, but that did not fix the issue.

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I have an Acura 1998 TL the car died during driving on the road. I pulled out on the side, had it towed to my house I figured it was the battery..I replaced it, it won't start..it turns but slow, I thought the alternator, I replaced it as well, again the engine turns slow not fire up and engine turns but slow..I need some help on this please!

7 people found this helpful.

same issue...2004 MDX would not start, no noise, battery ok, pulled out fuse #11 driver's insideside..cleaned it off as it looked "dirty" but for sure was not blown....viola! my car started..2xs tested before writing this post

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Same thing happened to us...We had a new battery...checked starter, alternator, electrical system. Took it to the dealer, there was a problem with the bluetooth draining the battery. Had the option to remove or repair.

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I have a 2009 Acura RDX. I have had it for three years this May. It used to not start about 6 months after I bought the car but thinking that I was doing something wrong and not turning the key the right way. Then it happened periodically every 3-6 months. It has happened within two weeks of each other this past month. Sometimes it is slow to start...sometimes it just won't start but all of the lights come on, and sometimes it just won't catch when it starts. I have taken it in a lot and it won't "break" when it is in the shop. Only on me when I am out and about. Help!

11 people found this helpful.

I need help I have a 2001 coupe 2 door. I changed the Ignition out and now it doesn't start.

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So my son has replace his alternator, battery (twice) and all cables on battery. He also tried disconnecting the battery at night. Still didnt work. But it would start when it was jumped. I called my dad who taught me how to work on cars. Basically, he said something in the engine is draining the power from the battery. All we need to do is GROUND THE ENGINE! I bought an engine grounding strap (battery grounding strap will work too) and connected it to the engine block and the frame. It is working just fine. Just one more issue now, the check starting system message is coming on. I think its the alarm fuse (#13, I think. Check the manual) since we pulled it when it wouldn't start. I hope this was helpful.

2 people found this helpful.

help my Acura tl 3.2 won't start it just makes a loud clicking noise i don't know what to do but the lights and radio comes on wassup?

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^^^ battery dead. I have a 05 TL. That doesn't turn over but doesn't click ( as a dead/low battery would) however at a certain point turning the key there is what sounds like a relay clicking/buzzing.. anyone have this issue. Car was fine and a daily driver. One morning come out and here we are. Again. No starter solenoid clicking. Fuel pump does cut on as well.

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That’s a cable that goes from the ignition switch to the starter. Was replace directly cause the original cables got kind of damage that doesn’t send enough power to the starter to get the car turning on. That’s why you get power on everything in your car just the car won’t start cause there is not enough power going trough (bad cables ) so my mechanic did that only for 60 bucks. When I had done a lot on the car even taking it to the dealer where they didn’t know nothing or find nothing what was the problem . But I’m glad my car is working in perfect conditions since then. Hope this can help guys .

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I have a 2002 acura tl and i just got new starter and batt. and when i try to start it the pos. cable has a exetend metal pieace on it . the metal pieace burns up like melts up and breaks. So do i have too much car on batt. because i over change batt. with boat charger one day for a while.

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So I literally just had the same problem. I came out from church and my car would start. Everything seemed in order...it just wouldn't engage the starter. I tried everything until I went under the hood and began pulling fuses, it was the 20 amp 'horn stop' fuse was blown...I replaced it and immediately my alarm started going off...then blew the 20 amp I put in...replaced it with a 30amp and then disarmed with the key in the door...car started right up.

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I’ve got the same problem. Please help. I can’t find any wayout to fix this

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(Fixed) I had same issue. Turns on, won't crank. Turned it on, maneuvered to neutral and back. Started correctly. To check fuses for anyone who doesnt know how to: YouTube how to check fuse with circuit tester. Thing costs 8 bucks at auto stores and is easy for anyone with no knowledge of it.

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My 2003 TL type s won't turn over at all except once when we boosted it from another car to the starter directly and then I could hear it clicking/vibrating in one of the relays. All my lights, door alarms and other stuff that takes power is working fine. I have tried my spare key and crossing the starter and the cylenoid switch with wires to starting it in neutral.. I haven't checked the relay connections or wires because I don't have the necessary devices. Any advice appreciated


Acuras often have a well-known issue with the electrical connection inside the "main relay". This is also known as the PGM-FI relay. it prevents the fuel pump from pressurizing the fuel lines at start, so the fuel never gets to the engine. Has been a problem across the Honda/Acura vehicles since the early 1990s. More recent models appear to have gone solid-state, so the problem doesn't happen. 2005-ish and earlier models of CL and TL and Accords and MDX and Odessey report the issue. A replacement relay is seldom needed. Just re-soldering existing connections fixes it after the relay is removed to a bench for soldering. This is a 30 minute repair.

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It’s weird how I fixed mines. I rocked my car back and forth a few times and it cranked up no problem.

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Same issue happening to people over the past decade on here I will try all the answers I got In here since I’m having the same issues thanks to everyone who put there experiences and what they did to fix it you have helped many people save a lot of money I guarantee it!!! Thank you !!!!

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I have a 2004 TSX w 121k miles. Battery just replaced as well as Alternator and Starter. For the past year, everything turns over but the engine. Sometimes on the 2nd or 3rd try or a few minutes later the engine will work. Sometimes its a few days. Sometimes a simple jump will get it going, but sometimes the jump wont take. Same donor car each time (my wife's car). When its dead, Ill have it towed to a mechanic that I use. When it gets there, poof, it works.

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In response to: kkey- 8 years ago When I turn the key, I get power to lights, radio, and air but the car will not start. No other sounds present to indicate, fuel pump has engaged. No clicking indicating a problem with starter or alternator. 1996 Acura TL 3.2 FWD Maintenance & Repair I followed the fuse recomendation and that solved the problem. Even though my fuse was not blown it was not working properly. It is the fuse in the fuse Box is underneath the driver side dashboard ON THE LEFT SIDE PANNEL in the fuse space number "20" below reads "15A IGN SOL" it is the Ignition Fuse.

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