My radiator is boiling fluid
Hi there. I have a 2006 accord with about 250k miles on it.
Lately i ran into an issue with my vehicle overheating every
other day. My radiator is always empty and spurts a leak
from the top of the radiator/condenser. I used bars stop
leak with silicon in it and it has minimized the leak to just
losing maybe a few cups of fluid as opposed to being bone
dry nearly (I made sure that my head gasket was still intact
before applying the stop leak though). Since then I have
replaced the thermostat and the condenser and cooling
fans, but i can still smell the strong burning smell coming
from the radiator. The water that still does leak out leaves a
bright white stain when it dries. So my question is this,
before i go and replace the condenser, could there be some
other underlining cause for the car to run hot? Possibly the
a/c compressor? Because i havent had a/c for the past few
years, even after refilling the freon. So i am sure that the
a/c compressor is bad, but should i replace that too,
considering that it directly runs to the condenser?