A CarGurus user (DavidH25) answered your question: "2005 durango 4.7L I CHANGE MY WATER PUMP ,THERMOSTAT AND RAD CAP BUT I PICK LOOSING WATER AND IT OVERHEATS. I HAVE DONE LEAK CHECKS AND THERE ARE NO LEAKS. WHAT COULD IT BE THE OVERHEATING?".yes is white smoke, also no water in oil, oil is clean
7 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
oooof, that water is going down into the tailpipe someway, and that way is a cracked cylinder head or bad headgasket, hopes its not the motor block. could do a pressure test on the water jacket...radiator to see if pumped up to 17psi where would the geyser happen- probably going to be a headgasket that yeilds the coolant to the combustion chamber, as you say about the white smoke, you are going to have to be diligent about toppin' it off with every stop...like I say pressure test to find the leaker DavidH25 will be happy to pick up the ball and take it downfield--
Oh, OK, that was this morning allright. I'll go back and see what I wrote
Please, I have a real hard time reading all upper case, OK? i want to help. White or white/blue tint smoke is oil, or steam. It could be worn piston rings allowing oil in to cylinder, or, like I said in the other thread, a water jacket getting coolant in to cylinder from a blown out head gasket Other than that I can think of nothing to add to the Judge's excellent post
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
yeah dude, is the capslock on? get the feeling like you're yelling at me, like the gentle nature of NRA speakers-
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Notice the orange bullhorn ain't been around?....guy just wants to cancel his ad on here and sounds like a job for henry and Co. but no one is in town at this hour hence, no bullorn!
I have it...right there on the lower right..maybe they took it away from you hehe