What does a red flashing light on the dash shaped like a car with a lock superimposed on it mean?
7 Answers
The vehicle’s keys have built-in tr ansponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously registered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehicle. Vehicles without a smart key system The indicator light flashes after the key has been removed from the engine switch to indi- cate that the system is operat- ing. The indicator light stops flash- ing after the registered key has been inserted into the engine switch to indicate that the system has been can- celed. Vehicles with a smart key system The indicator light flashes after the “ENGINE START STOP” switch has been turned off to indicate that the system is operating. The indicator light stops flash- ing after the “ENGINE START STOP” switch has been turned to ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON mode to indicate that the system has been canceled.
http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM45466U/pdf/sec_01-06.pdf Page 151
Getting light on dashboard that looks like car with a lock. Why
I wish I new what my red stay on the I am driving and beeping but when I stop the it stop beeping but the car stay on.
Security light flashing. My van wont start at all.
Turn off dashboard light
Guru95RZVL answered 4 years ago
The security light on the dash is flashing and van won't start- what do I do ?