regular equipment failure or sabotage drama...
Lights began getting dimmer at night. Then battery light came on, went off, drove again,
no light for a min then battery light on again. All of the sudden everything grew dim, abs,
airbag, battery, basically all warning lights came on then seconds later dead. I let sit for
night, started fine, got across town then died, let sit, started up, backed out died. Battery
testing at 12, haven't tested alternate yet.
Several questions...
Can I test something, somehow, to diagnose problem? obc? Schematics flow chart I can
follow to narrow down? A probe that can check for fault codes? Something?
I guess I sound cheap but my car still has temp tags-i haven't had for 2 months yet and
this psycho hater b*#*# has already attacked my car several known times... (with
charges pending) slashed two tires, then stabbed my car from hood, down drivers side,
and finished off the trunk. Over 10 slashes down to the metal slashes.
Puddle under car, found power stearing cap off, driving down street horrible sound when
breaks applied. Rear caliper barely hanging on, no bolts at all, other side barely screwed
in with tool marks. No way to wiggle out on their own....
Question... can this possibly be someones doing as well? Is there a way to even tell if it
is? I'm afraid to invest too much more on these wack a do repairs if its sabotage.
Totalling car out charging the crime and before from under if this is the case...
Next suprise...5lb bag of disolved sugar in my gas tank? Brake lines cut?