2006 Dodge Charger Rt Over heating
06 Dodge Charger Rt over heated,gauge never red
hot stays at half, changed dual fans,heat
sensor,thermostat. New fans never sound like they
kick on to higher power cooling and water comes
out of the reservoir once the thermostat opens up.
Car still never says it's hot . I now watch the
temperature on the second gauge by the numbers.
When driving the other gauge will drop lower than
the half mark after reaching half. I can only drive it
4 or 5 miles after it warms up and I stop water
comes out of the reservoir. My heater core had a
leak in the winter would this cause issues in the
summet not using the heater if there is a small leak
still. I can't get anyone to figure this out. Unless it is
head gaskets. I was told it's not but I'm concerned