CV Joint?
Asked by Morganbpierce00 Feb 02, 2018 at 07:44 PM about the 2012 Subaru Forester 2.5X
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
So for the past two weeks while driving to work,
which is a very steep grade road with a lot of
switchbacks, my Subaru Forester starting making a
clicking sound when turning left. I immediately
thought it was my CV joints and took it in today. The
mechanic looked under the car and informed me
that none of the boots are damaged and the axels
are secure. He doesn’t believe the clicking noise is
caused by the CV joint. Mind you this only happens
when I turn left on steep graded road, doesn’t
happen when I turn left on flat road.
Thoughts? A little lost on what to do....
17 Answers
Try making sharp right and left turns at slow speeds in a parking lot to confirm but I believe you are correct about a bad CV joint.
Should it not be a CV joint check the wheel bearings.
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
Nope, but nice tries. Certain Imps and F'sters have tranny inner bearings that "click" against the inner CV driveshafts once in awhile. Certainly NOT worth repairing, as the trans needs to be busted open...and that's always a no-no.But given that this F is only 6 years old I'd push SOA to investigate gratis.
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
OTOH having no external trauma nor being insecurely mounted is no reason to doubt that a half-shaft's INNER joint has wear. So narrow down the SIDE that's audible and replace the axle (they're cheap), and hope to picked the correct side. If noise still persists it's inside the trans.
Morganbpierce00 answered 7 years ago
So if it’s not my CV joints then it could be my transmission? If that’s so would that be a pretty severe issue?
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
Yes...that's why owners live with it if simply an intermittent light chatter when throttling off a corner.
Morganbpierce00 answered 7 years ago
I would be highly dissappointed if my transmission was already having issues! Changing the lentire left CV joint axel today. Hoping it fixes this issue.
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
Yes, I'd start with the left side. But if no success swap out the old left axle into the right side before musing the tranny nonsense.
Morganbpierce00 answered 7 years ago
Okay so I replaced the left CV axel and now my car is shaking while driving. It was pulling to the right so we adjusted air in the tires but it’s still shaking quite badly. Can’t get the car to make the clacking sound, but it only does it on steep graded roads and we haven’t been able to take it out that far yet. Took us a solid while to get the left CV axel replaced as it was my first time and I went slow doing it. Thoughts on the increased shaking? It wasn’t doing this before. Assuming that I need to change the right side now.
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
A fairly high percentage of "new" replacement axles are defective, unfortunately. But before you swap it out again, try squeezing the inner boot's grease toward the transmission so as to assure the inner joint is lubed. But you might indeed have gotten a bad one...especially if "remanufactured".
TheSubaruGuruBoston answered 7 years ago
BTW, are you absolutely certain you pushed the new axle FULLY into the tranny, hearing it CLICK into place? Otherwise, could clatter!
Hey! Check out this Service Bulletin! (My 2017 Forester is doing the same.) September 27, 2018 MANUFACTURER COMMUNICATION NUMBER: 04-23-18 Components: STEERING NHTSA ID Number: 10146487 Manufacturer Communication Number: 04-23-18 Summary This Service Information bulletin provides helpful tips to simplify the diagnosis of sound concerns originating in the electronic power steering (EPS) gearbox (steering rack) assembly. If a vehicle presents with a ?rattling?, ?knocking? or possibly a ?clanging? type sound coming from the steering rack and / or a vibration felt through the steering wheel, use the flow chart below to help make diagnosis of the concern easier.
Did you align the top cam bolt into the strut properly when you were reassembling. (Assuming you disconnected the strut and not the ball joint to get the shaft out. If you didn’t mark the top bolt and replace it exactly you’re likely way out of alignment.- Watch this video to see what I mean.
I have replaced both CV axil and the driver side axil 3 times what hell? 2012 Foster
Subaruproblemfixer answered 5 years ago
With many of the 2005-2009 Subaru models I've had to get new/used oem axles to replace the bad axles. This has always taken care of the shimmy problem for me. Obviously there's a little risk getting used but it beats paying the price of new.