Battery down and can't get trunk open and no key lock on trunk
10 Answers
Get a new battery or use jumper cables.
ivyblackwood answered 8 years ago
You should have a lever on your back seat that pulls the seat forward so you can access the trunk and pull the emergency release lever in the trunk to pop the trunk.
I just did that. The trunk didn't open. Idid that successfully before to put a new battery. This time, no chance!
unable to open the rear doors to access the trunk
unable to open rear doors
1. Fold down the rear seats, crawl into the trunk, and pull the emergency trunk lid opener lever. or, 2. Bring a spare car battery, open the engine hood, connect the battery to the electric terminals, and if the electronics seem to work, press the trunk opener button on the dashboard.
Don't bother with trunk at all, car is designed to be jumped from under the hood. There's a power distribution box on passenger side, use jumper cables there. At the very least you can provide enough power to use the electric trunk release. Or use one of those jumper things that connects via a power port. The power port in the center console connects directly to the battery.
I have a 2005 Chrysler 300 and the battery is completely dead I tryed to open it with the remote and I also tryed pushing the button that's on the driver side of the car and nether one would not open the trunk and it doesn't have a thing on the trunk to open it with a key. So how can I get in the trunk
where is trunk lever in boot
Guru95TJRM answered 4 years ago
We took the battery out of our Chrysler to charge, and by mistake closed the trunk. Well, nothing worked to open it. So, my husband had an idea. He pulled our pickup next to our car, and put the jumper cables on the car under the hood, where you can "jump start" it and then hooked the other end to his truck battery, and I pushed the "trunk opener" inside the car and wa la it worked. The trunk popped right up. And now you know it can be done.