Having severe cold weather key will not turn in ignition, tried WD1040, tried warming key, nothing works. Someone suggested trying a hair dryer? HELP!!!!!!
Asked by Classy40 Jan 24, 2013 at 09:53 AM about the 2003 Ford Escape XLS FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
2003 Ford Escape XLS, Key will not turn at all in ignition, tried turning steering wheel, tried WD1040, key will not move at all. Weather is severely cold here now. I do not know what to do.
15 Answers
I very much doubt the cold has anything to do with it. My son lives in Wyoming and at 30 below he never had those problems. Try another key first, and there is no hair in the ignition switch to dry (sorry i couldn't resist that one) If another key does not work, for one make sure your foot is on the brake if it's an automatic, that could be the problem anyway, the safety switch on the brake petal.
Yes, you are right. I will try your suggestion this evening, as it makes more sense. Thank you for your time.
My pleasure, happy to help. At least I hope it helps
Hi I just had my brother-in-law go and put his foot on the brake. He also turned the steering wheel, and held while putting the key in the ignition. Key will not turn at all.
With another key? Then the ignition switch may be just plain stuck, well that came out wrong, of course it's stuck, what I mean is the pins in the ignition switch may have come apart. Let me ask: do you have a set of keys that you use that has 10 keys, a flashlight, and a charm on it that you have used for a long time? follow me? heavy? That will do it, the strain from them swinging will do that to the switch and you need a new one. Problem is on that, it's expensive, a dealer thing unless you can find a mechanic that has the proper tools to re set the transponder on the new switch, or you will have to carry yet another key or re key the door locks.
Yes, Yes, you are so so right. I have about 10 other keys, small coach sneaker, flashlight, etc. I will get my other spare key from my sister and try that later, if that does not do it, then I will go to the dealer. Thank you.
and get rid of anything unnecessary from your key ring. I don't like suggesting dealers, they are double triple fourple in expense but in this case it is probably for the best
I do understand, and really appreciate this. THANK YOU.
Well I just got a 2004 Ford Expedition and I did not have any problems starting it until it got cold in the morning and I have to play with it for several minutes until the key turns. Then if it is later in the day when it is warmer the key turns with no problem. So I have to believe the cold is affecting it somehow no matter how weird it sounds.
RafaelPernia answered 7 years ago
I just landed here with a similar problem. I tried the hair dryer for 30sec and it worked. So there you have it. Try anything.
definitely the cold. mine started in the afternoon when warm and then not again the following morning. moisture probably got in there and froze up hard. hairdryer will work. maybe a squirt of WD-40
When the weather gets below zero here in Montana (and tomorrow morning, it is predicted to be minus 21), I have found that a hair dryer does make it easier for the key to turn in the ingition. But I also believe that most cars are not made to run well in very cold temperatures. I once had to replace the ignition system in my Skylark because I started the car in very cold weather. I lost my Chevy van one winter because even though I had the engine warmer on all night, and had started and run the car for 40 minutes before driving, the transmission oil was too cold and the transmission was ruined. Sometimes it's just better to get a ride or call in sick!!
I can’t get my key in the ignition of my 2010 fusion
Guru9SSX7Y answered 3 years ago
yes it is an issue with the cold - my 2003 explore does the samething and is fine in wrmer months and once heat is applied in the winter - how to solve it for good - NO CLUE
nonogonzalez answered about a year ago
Hammer Hit the key with your hand it works for me all the time