Is there a relay for the coolant fan on a 2008 ford crown Vic police pkg
Asked by Jolietjake Aug 31, 2016 at 11:46 PM about the 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
5 Answers
Yes. Fan1 and Fan2, underhood fuse/relay box
Jolietjake answered 8 years ago
There is only one big fan. Not 2. In that fuse/relay box , where is the relay? Ps thanks for the quick response- - relay #3 in the fuse box
Jolietjake answered 8 years ago
I have a 2008 p71 - this is not the fuse box diagram under my hood- I'm not seeing that diagram
Jolietjake answered 8 years ago client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&site=&source=hp &ei=xljIV8P5AoLfmwHo2L24Cw&q=power+distributi on+box+2008+ford+crown+victoria&oq=power+distri bution+box+2008+ford+crown+victoria&gs_l=mobile -gws- hp.3..0i22i30k1.2751.48913.0.50148. hp..0.62.3674.3..0j41j0i131k1j0i10k1j33i160k1j33i21 k1.5vzXk40kGto#imgrc=7EtY- rDeVsBTrM%3A&scso=uid_6:219