Question for the SubaruGuru
I've had a recurring problem with these lights coming up on
my 2014 Impreza WRX Hatchback. Solid check engine,
blinking cruise control and solid VDC (Vehicle Dynamics
Control). First time I ahd the code read it said it was an o2
sensor, had it replaced, lights came on again a week later,
read the code and it said it was the same o2 sensor so they
replaced it again thinking the first was a bad one. 2 weeks
later the lights came up again, this time they did some
lengthy testing and found something was sending a large
volt of electricity to thag 02 sensor that was tripping it.
After searching all the wires they found a wiring harness
loose and after setting that back in and testing it for a few
more days the problem seemed to go away. Told me to
drive it for a month to see if it happened again. Well it didn't
for the whole month so I paid for their services and thought
I was good.. Until the lights came on again today. I'm super
frustrated and can't keep spending money on "fixes" that
don't actually fix the problem. I do get regular car washes
but the lights don't come on afterwards, it has always
happened the same way (I get to work, pull into a stall, pull
the ebrake to park and as my car sits idle it kind of
shudders a bit and the lights come on). Any ideas??