My 01 manual Honda civic wont turn on
Asked by zFluxx Feb 13, 2017 at 11:19 PM about the 2001 Honda Civic EX
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
While driving my 2001 Manual Honda civic coupe ,
my honda turmed off unexpectedly when the rpm
hit 0, so whe i was heading home (still having that
problem) the rpm hit zero one more time (i stopped
at a red light) and now it wont turn on, i tried
turning it on , it cranked a little but then it dies,
does anyone know what the problem might be? Or
what am i doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
4 Answers
That sounds like it might be a fuel delivery problem. Change the fuel filter and if you can check the fuel pressure. When the car won't start can you hear the fuel pump running in the gas tank? If not you may need a new fuel pump.
beatupchevy answered 8 years ago
Is the battery any good ? for under $20** you can get a multitester worth it's weight in gold , does it turn over ? Do the headlights come on ? Motor size ? If it turns over is there spark from the coil stem .? It could be something very simple . When you hit the key to . " .key on ,engine off" you should hear the fuel pump come on (turn off the radio so you can hear it) , don't assume anything ,.
All electrical systems seem to be working perfectly
Check the Idle Air Control Valve and clean it thouroughly. Also clean the plates around the throttle, they can get very dirty very quickly and not allow proper air/fuel delivery.