2007 ford taurus will not start
7 Answers
Will it crank at all? If so check to make sure your getting fuel. Possible clogged fuel filter or cut off switch for fuel. If no power or crank then it may be the ignition switch itself.
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Will not crank at all. It took 3 tries the other day to get it started. Would not start the following day at all.
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I've seen a bad temp sensor cause a Taurus to not start.
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My Taurus will not start at all , new alt, and battery where is this fuse?
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Mrfknthomas answered 5 years ago
07 Ford Taurus SE won’t crank at all, new starter, new battery, new ignition switch, new relay. Fuse for ignition is Ok. Why the hell wont it start!??!
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Cars not starting changed sparked plugs and changed fuel ! What can possibly be wrong !!!
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