what cause my jeep to miss stutter or start shaking?


Asked by JDubandJGreen Oct 27, 2014 at 08:26 AM about the 1995 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4-Door 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

When you are driving at any speed in between 40 and 55 try to keep it at any steady
speed in between those two speeds. it wants to start either missing,boughing out,or
flat out shaking. I mean lets say your going accelerating up the speed f 50. When you
get to 50 and hold the accelerator to keep at that speed. As soon as you push the
accelerator the truck start to like wobble and shake. Like the wheels are going to or a
death shake. But if you hit the gas like you would when passoing someone and get the
rpm's to shoot up it stops shaking. An i am also having trouble with the jeep's air filter.
For some reason i am on my second air filter for this truck in less then two weeks.
When i got the motor put in it. I had a new air filter installed. Three days ago i had to
change that one cause it was so dirty and black. Well i checked it again today just to
see and it is already dirty and starting to build up black again. What could be causing
my jeep to do these things?

4 Answers


i have put in new plugs,new plug wires, new cap,new rotor,and new o2 sensor

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1 I would make sure your steel belts aren't busted on your front tires 2 check tire rods and bushings , front end suspension..

I'm having this same exact problem on my 94 xj. Replaced the the spark plugs. tire rods and bushings look fine.still having the problem if I accelerate to 45 and stay there I'm in a small quake in the front end. But if I accelerate to around 50-55 and keep that speed it disappears.hell if hit 90 and kept that speed on the interstate and didn't have problems.its only between 40 and 45 and holding it


I'm having this problem on a 2016 grand Cherokee with the 3.6 pentastar. Misses in idle misses anytime trying to keep engine steady accelerates mostly ok but anyone torque is on engine it misses any ideas replaced plug injector and coil pack... my air filter was black too it was oil on it dealer said oh must have left oil cap off wtf

2 people found this helpful.

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