Why does my A/C fuse blow


Asked by cruisecop Jun 24, 2014 at 03:51 AM about the 2005 Kia Spectra Spectra5

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Just recently I noticed my A/C fuse blows and my power windows, A/C and sunroof doesn't work. I live in Florida and I did notice when its real hot and I go to start my car the fuse blows and I have to replace it two or three times before it stops, does anyone out there now the problem or had this problem before?

17 Answers


Is your A/C and your power window on the same fuse? If so, the only thing I can think of is that one of your power window motors is stuck in the UP position, causing your motor to overheat and blowing your fuses. Could be a bad motor or your window switch is sticking.


Whats interesting is my window fuses don't blow but the fuse for my A/C blows. There is no indication that my windows are malfunctioning or anything else. If my switch is sticking how and what can I apply to the switch to free it and how can I tell which switch it is and which window it is?

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So your A/C and windows are on separate fuses? If that is the case, I would pull your A/C fuse and drive around to see if your windows and sunroof still work. If you drive it no problem without blowing your window fuse, then that will tell you that the problem lies with the A/C unit. The only thing I can think of as for why your A/C unit is blowing a fuse is maybe one of the pulleys is getting dried out which is causing it to get hot and blow a fuse. I would take it to an A/C specialist if you can narrow down the problem to the unit itself. Very hard to diagnose without all the expensive A/C toys......

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Ok here is the deal, these are the things I tried. I removed the fuse from the A/C and drove as you directed, the windows and A/C did not work. I started the car without the fuse in it and while the car was idling I put a new fuse in and it blew. I then put a new fuse in after I turned the car off and restarted the car and the fuse blew. So confused!! Note: at times It may take two to three new fuses before it finally works and then I have no problem.


I just discovered something, I live in Florida and in the past few weeks the temperature has been in the 90s, and at high noon when its the hottest part of the day I experience the fuse blow outs, I purchased this car in Oct and this is just happing, may not mean anything. So around 7pm when its significantly cooler the fuse did not blow.

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So back to my original question.....are your windows and your A/C run by the same fuse? Or are you having two separate issues? By the sounds of it, you pulled the fuse and neither the A/C or the windows worked. Do they both work when it's cool and the fuse doesn't blow?


Ok, im trying to understand this. When I pulled the A/C fuse and took the car for a drive, the windows and my A/C did not work as well as the sunroof. Not sure if im having two separate issues, mind you these are the fuses inside the car not under the hood. And when the weather cools everything works fine A/C and windows. I have two pwr window fuses which remain unblown. Hope this helps


Ok, that helps. Do you remember if the A/C was turned to ON when you put the fuse back in and it blew when the car was running? Or did you have it OFF when the fuse blew?


On both occasions the fuse blows. For instance when A/C is in the off position and then i turn my key to start position the fuse blows. Then i repeat the process by leaving the A/C on the on position then turn my key to start the car and the fuse blows. Does this help ?

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Do you know for sure if the windows are on the same fuse as the A/C or are they on their own fuse?


Im not sure, I can wrench alittle but im not very savvy with electronics on cars, All I know is the fuse box inside the car which shows two fuses 25 amps for my left and right windows they never blow. Now I have checked every fuse in the fuse box under the hood and there all fine. The only fuse that blows when I start my car is the A/C fuse in the fuse panel inside the car.


Here is a little experiment to try then. Pull the fuse for your blower motor. I have been researching problems with your model car and it seems the blower motor or blower motor resistor have been the culprit. If you pull the fuse for the blower motor and you have no fuse issue for your A/C, then hopefully that will narrow it down to either the blower motor or the resistor.

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I will try that, FYI as I suspected, I parked my car in the shade around pm this afternoon when it was much cooler and I put a new fuse in as I turned my key to start my car the fuse didn't blow. Hmmmm!!

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I know......electrical problems are such fun! I think they are worse than mechanical issues........


I have not found the solution to this problem, but my car has been running fine without any problems until this morning, when I go to start my car there was nothing when I turned the key. All lights work A/C works everything indicates normal except it will not start, could it be the starter, it ran fine the day prior.

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