kia sportage
Asked by Betsy Feb 16, 2017 at 01:06 AM about the 2002 Kia Sportage Base Convertible
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I need help with my 2002 kia sportage I have
stc code that show up one was p1121 two
p1115 three p1124 four p0335 ok now
there no code shows up look at my timings
they was almost on point just a heir what do
I do I need help every one want money I dont
have no money just lost my job I need
someone that can just tell me what will help
or anything I can do to get it going I have bill
like everyone too and I cant believe people
dont help no more sorry
6 Answers
You have some problems going on here, so I could just write the codes out for you or I will now try to explain. First would be the p1121, Faulty Throttle Positioning Sensor, p1124 indicates the plugin that goes into the TPS, should be replaced, broken wires, the p1115 indicates the Coolant Temperature Sensor, and possible O2 sensor, and the po335 is the crankshaft sensor. These are the things to look at, but are you sure someone just did not mess with your engine? Because your looking at like $250 in parts.
Esperante_1081 answered 8 years ago
Try disconnecting the battery for 15 mins then try , this can on some occasions reset electronics .
That only applies to the anti theft system in doing this.
Bentley77BENTLEY answered 7 years ago
Okay I'm also having a problem with a Kia Sportage 1999 the engine light is on and it acts like it's not getting any gas I don't know what's really going on but I have to keep patting the pedal and order for it to get gas for the car to keep going what is going on