Overhead light
12 Answers
The dome light is probably switch to On all the time. Read your owners manual!!!
It wasn't on until I turn it on
You may have turned it to On all the time instead of On when the door is open.
You may have switch it to the all time ON position inadvertently. To repeat F-O-R, get out the owner's manual and READ IT!!
It doesn't help when people keep saying to read the manual, when it's NOT in the manual. I have googled and tried different things and the dome light only comes on when it wants to even though the front courtesy lights always come on. I have a jeep renegade that doesn't have auto light control, so all the visuals online and in the manual, don't apply. I have never had a vehicle with auto lights, but the dome light comes on anyway when the doors open. This has baffled me.
It’s next to the headlights knob they both look like wheels
Sweets24n7 answered 5 years ago
So i just had this same problem on my 2018 and mine had one wheel (not two like above). If it's turned to the very top (highest setting), the overhead and back roof light stays on. But if it's on any of the lower settings, they go off. So the next to highest wheel turn keeps your dash lights super bright but allows the overhead interior lights to go off. They'll dim briefly, then go off and turn on when you open door but go off quickly. Thanks to the post above! Never would've figured it out lol.
Well, when I am off I will check the switches next to my headlights switch??
The lights power on if you put this control in full position any other power off the two lights.
Guru9ZTZBW answered 4 years ago
I turned it all the way down &it’s still on