My 1994 Mitsubishi galant started running hot I put water it ,then started driving again it ran hot again I then heard a ticking noise then the car stopped and wouldn't start back up!! Helppppp!!wha
5 Answers
Water pump may have gone bad,but continuing to drive it and running it hot again,may have hurt the engine,meaning head damage if you heard sound,s from engine.
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No I haven't heard a noise from engine but sounds like it wantvto turn over but dont
But ran it while it was hot then heard a knocking noise then it killed don't wanna start again
Uh oh. May be hydro-locked if coolant got in combustion chamber, or seized just from heat. A knocking sound is always a bad sign. Pull all spark plugs and try to crank over. If coolant shoots out a plug hole, better start surgery, heads off. If it still does not crank over (assuming battery/starter is good) even worse