How do I get my stuck key out of the ignition?
My key is stuck in the ignition and it
won't come out, at firstit would do it
every once in a while and you could
jiggle the key and it would eventually
come out. Then I read the thing about
jiggling the steering wheel I tried that
it never worked so then I read about
the shifter cable cramping up but
sometimes I could get down there
and jiggle the shifter cable and it
would release the key. Now it won't
come out at all. Also I have the check
engine light on and I know they're like
it's a picture of a car with a wrench in
the middle, and I know that the shifter
does not click back into Park you
don't have to push the button to move
the shifter it just moves I don't know if
either of these has anything to do
with it but I figured it was worth the