1997 firebird Starting issues
6 cyc, I just had it towed. Repair shop said, new alternator. I thought ok, I can
save some cash - put in on my self. (really don't have cash to "save"), Anyway,
they told me the battery would have to be charged. I took it out and to a
charger. Put it back in and a new issue arrives un like any of the others. (I really
hadn't had battery or starting issuies w/ it? Although it not starting was/is an
There is a clicking sound, likened unto a Hazard warning lights, clicking. I've
been told the security has been tripped.
I tried the 10min wait to reset, w/key on, along w/ the disconnect the battery for
10mins first and then another ten for "key read/remember".
Now here's an interesting side. I took it in couple of months back because of a
gas smell. Very strong and sporadic. At that time it was s to be the plugs and
wires. That didn't really change a thing.
When I first had difficulty there was a clicking sound, not the dead battery type,
and an air escaping sound in the very center of the engine in the back. Almost
like both were coming from center of windshield, center of dash, center of fire
wall. That next morning after towing. Started right up no indications of these
symptoms / sounds.
As I was trying the 10min wait cycles, I smelled the gas again. I though it was
the fuel pump kicking in. No luck. The engine had cranked every time I turned
the key. The shop was able to move it as well before the battery re-charge.
Perhaps that's more info than needed? Perhaps it's enough to pin point.
Thanks a lot for any help. Blessings, His Bird