My power windows will not work and it says that my drivers side door is open. What can I do to fix this?
4 Answers
ThePhantom answered 10 years ago
2004 Grand Cherokee - driver's side control panel - no switches working - large black wire in conduit between door and "A" pillar was broken - cut out two inches and replaced with 5 inches of another large wire with more strands of finer wire. It is more flexible and I made a loop with the 5 inches so the wire will bend in the loop instead of at the ends.
repaired that wire still no windows work
ThePhantom answered 6 years ago worked for me twice. My other Grand Cherokee (2001) also broke that wire this year and that fixed it.
Sonofodin1993 answered 5 years ago
For anyone struggling with all the windows suddenly not working. First check the boots between the front doors for severed wires splice as needed.then check fuses. For me I checked the wrong fuses thinking I only needed to worry about power window fuse or relay (wrong) multiple fuses connect to the bcm body control module. So check and replace all fuses. My case it was rear wiper fuse replaced it with Jeep running and Bam all windows working switch is operating correctly again. It won't always be this simple but I tried everything before figuring this out and $150 later and a ton of head scratching and pulling things apart. It was stupid simple so keep it simple before getting crazy with it