Malibu Keeps Stopping at Lights please help
I have a 2014 Chevrolet Malibu LS. Ive had this for
a minute now. The check engine light has been on
for a year now. Ive had so much work done on the
car but the check engine light won't go off. When
im at a light the car stalls, and jerk violently. When
im at a stop sign it cuts off meaning completely
dies until I turn it off and back on. Ive had the
battery done, spark plugs done, camshaft sensors
done, work from a car accident fixed by the
dealership, variable timing valve done, and so far
nothing works. No matter what I take care of the
car but its still not fixed. Ive dished out an
astronomical amount of money for people to fix it
and so far its still problems. has been
plugged to the reader and the mechanic tried
clearing the codes. The codes would go off but 2
seconds later its back on. Thr car cuts off going
up a hill or even down a bill. If its snow the car will
automatically cut off if I try to drive on the lightest
snow ever. No one has been able 6o find the
EXACT problems and I am truly fearful that no one
will and I will get into a car accident. I don't have
another vehicle and im still paying on it. The
warrenty been expired and now I am literally lost. I
looked at recalls and there is none for my vehicle
and im so upset about it. I am broke beyond
measure from all the money I've put into my car.
Please please please please someone help me
figure out what could be the cause. I don't know
what to do please help