Try again..reliable BMW
I have recently been involved in a MVA. My car was
totaled. I now have multiple issues, and one is a
severe Spinal cord Injury beginning at my brain
stem. I cannot receive Medical care in my current
location. I am planning to be in my new residence
by October 1. This will be an interim car, until the
case is settled.i will relocate because
proper/needed medical care is not available here.
I will pay cash. I hope this may help with
negotiations for the best BMW, for the lowest
price. Since I was hit by a large SUV, I have
become primarily wheelchair dependent. I will not
know anyone in my new place. It's very imperative
To have a car that will be very reliable. Money is
tight, until I can receive the medical treatments,
and this case settles. I have owned BMWs in the
past and have never had a problem. I would very
much appreciate it if you could possibly pick a few
of what you believe would be the best BMW, at the
lowest possible price that's reliable. I need to
purchase preferably over this upcoming weekend.
Thanks so much! 3 series or higher. Something
you would buy if someone you loved, their life
depended on it..however temporarily low on