2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee electrical issues
Asked by Beastdoogy337 Sep 21, 2017 at 12:36 PM about the 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
So a few weeks ago all of a sudden my ac cluster,
seat memory, mpg memory, and alarm stopped
working all at once. I've tried unplugging the battery
and a few other things what could be the issue?
4 Answers
Find the BCM (body control module) and reseat the plugs on that.
Yes, make sire it is dry, unplug harness and re-seat connector. Most of the symptoms you described can be attributed to a faulty BCM.
Beastdoogy337 answered 7 years ago
Ok thanks I'll give it a shot, I see most of the bolts are 10mm and Philips for the screws so I will keep you updated. Thanks