2006 Kia won't start
Asked by RickT67 Jan 23, 2015 at 01:15 PM about the 2006 Kia Sedona LX
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Put in key, everything lights up, when you turn the key..Nothing, all lights go out, no crank, no nothing. Replaced battery and same. Replaced TSP, Cam position sensors and new starter..Still same problem. Tested ignition to starter and is fine..
41 Answers
That leaves starter solenoid.. its part of the starter assembly but may or may not have come with starter. If it did not come with part with red arrow that might be the trouble click image
Also replaced Neutral safety switch. Van has 93K miles and had no issues until now.
Yea, the new starter came with the attached solenoid. Tested fine..
Hmmm Throwing out thoughts. Take a jumper cable and attach it to Neg-Post on battery, other end to a good ground on frame/chassis. see what happens. If that works and it starts the trouble is the battery ground
I know..even if lights come on but when you try to start it the ground is only making partial contact and can't carry the load of starter
Retested the starter and solenoid, they are good. Going to try to bypass the ignition switch by jumping from the battery to starter to try to isolate the ignition switch.
migration_Rallyeolds... answered 9 years ago
I'm having the same issue. But what I tracked the problem to is the (ibs module ) which is the fuse box under the dash. It was periodic at first. But now it's daily. I was pulling the Alternator relay out of the dash fuse box and reinserting then it would start. But now that's not working have to let it sit until it starts. I priced the (ibs module) for my van its $190. But I don't want to keep dumping money into this just for that not to be the problem. I've already replaced the battery and alternator. I was also told it may be part of the anti-theft system. the key fobs stopped working about a year ago. But the problem started in Aug.2015
poppysgarage30017 answered 9 years ago
irratic no start? had the same thing, had lights, horn, wipers, radio, etc but starter just clicked/balked. jumping was to no avail, same thing. our battery and starter checked out perfect when bench tested. long story short, remove the engine to body ground cable and scrape the paint and primer down to bare metal and make sure all ends and connections are shiny clean. reattach the ground cable securely and our problem was instantly solved. remember the running gear is mounted on rubber mounts and a starter requires many amps to operate at full capacity. Good luck. we 're very pleased now. Parts cost 0 and hard knox troubleshooting and labor was the cure.
poppysgarage30017, when you refer to the "engine to body ground cable" do you mean the cable that connects the negative battery post to the body? Or is this something else? We're having the EXACT symptoms you describe, and have been searching for an answer for over a year!
I had that problem I had to take it to dealer and they replaced the ibs module which is the fuse box and it has a few other functions also it cost me almost 500 with part 190 and labor 310 which was mostly because of reprogramming of system,keys,fobs it the van works fine now for around 6mos. But the escape keeps coming on and won't go away until you turn key off then back on
I've had all the above problems. We removed the anti-theft- no fix, replaced battery and alternator- no fix. Almost replaced gearshift- realized we had not used the other key to start the car in years. Found other key- starts every time with other key for weeks now. I TRULY BELIEVE THE PROBLEM WAS A MALFUCTION IN THE ONE KEY ALL ALONG.
Kia Vehicle no start. All electrical works but when you turn the key over nothing. Battery, starter, alternator, fuses... everything is good! Can jump starter to battery, and the car will start. THIS IS WHY: the "SAFETY NEUTRAL SWITCH" is located just under the battery- right beside it. The safety neutral switch had battery acid on it, which caused corrosion and created a pin hole in it. It wasn't very much damage, but enough to mess things up!! You can replace it. I personally, put a push start button in, bypassed the safety neutral switch, and no more "no start" issues! I did the push start button because it was cheaper than the safety neutral switch. I ordered a pretty one in too, so it looks factory. :) I hope this helps with all the different Kia No Start issues. (I have an 05 Kia Spectra) Thanks!!!
Same problem here........ you can unplug the alternator fuse located in the fuse box under the steering wheel to the left then plug it back in. Your vehicle will start everytime. This is a hard reset but works. Hope this helps. Also call kia customer service and complain so they will recall the defective parts. 1-800-333-4542
poppysgarage30017, Please let us know where is the "engine to body ground cable". I had the same periodic no start for my 2006 Kia Sedona.
2008 kia sedona. Purchased new. The no start issue started 6 mos after purchase. Only intermittently. Which means NOT AT THE DEALERSHIP! So every other service visit I would complain about this van picking and choosing when it would start. Sometimes months would go by. Now that we are 8,000 over warranty, it won't start at all. Dealership is expecting me to pay for a starter that they "think" is the issue...not happening. As Kefmsf stated...CALL KIA-he posted the number to the Kia Consumer Department (1-800-333-4542). Explain your issue, you'll get a claim number and they will look in to it. Reported my issue today...I was asked to give it a day or 2 (my van is sitting at the dealership). I will and I will let you know what theit resolution will be.
I have the same problem randomly, lately I get stuck on my lunch break from work, someone came to try and jump me even though the battery seemed fine, didn't work then had to leave my van there and just get a ride back and end up getting back late. I brought to the mechanic and he said it was the starter, now one month later, same thing. This problem has been going on for years randomly, with breaks in between. I never know when it's going to happen, crazy! I called the Kia customer service abc reported the problem. Hopefully they do the right thing and recall this problem.
My car is a 2007 Kia Sedona by the way
I have 2007 Sedona, all lights but randomly no crank. It just started. a few nights ago I hit the unlock on the key fob several times. Today, I slapped the cover of the fuse block 4 times then it would start. I don't know what the next steps are. Trying to get information. I'll call Kia Monday.
2006 kia sedona Random no start....all electrical systems work fine but the starter doesn't even click/try to turn over. I pull and replace the alternator relay and it usually starts....if not i pull it and start it the replace it. The problem seems to be getting more frequent and today even with this trick it wouldnt start. I waited about 30 mins and tried again and it started. Also -- sometimes the ignition wont go to the lock/off position. I cant turn the key beyond ACC mode which causes me to be unable to remove the key from the ignition. We have discovered disconnecting the negative battery cable allows the key to be able to be removed. AALLSSOOOO -- the fan control module has burned out 3xs in 6 wks. The volume knob on the radio works properly sometimes and other times the volume jumps all over the place in both directions when the knob is just slightly turned. Surely there is a single underlying cause to explain all of these ridiculous electrical problems, but what is it?!
Hi Leah, had your problem been solved?
I also have 2008 Sedona, been no trouble for 3 years until this morning won't start, (fitted a new HD battery 9 months ago) but after reading this forum I'm under the impression that by removing and re-fitting the relay modules by some people and tapping it maybe disturbing something to the rear of the fuse / module assembly i.e. dry joint or loose harness so I am going to look at that. Someone pointed out the battery earth cable, good point worth checking but the solenoid problem could be suspect, I shall bypass the relay and carefully connect a large cable straight from the starter motor to the battery to prove the solenoid is the fault. According to another forum there is a place to obtain the solenoid parts if you would like a challenge, www.repairkituk.com
the large square fuse in the fuse box located under the steering wheel may be the problem.just tap it gently or pull out and push back in-the vehicle should start .It is the large square fuse in the upper right hand corner of fuse box
Actually the problem was the earthing strap, the battery earth to the chassis was good but the earthing from the chassis to the engine is broken somewhere, I connected a temporary jumper lead from the negative battery terminal to top part of the engine and sorted.
Hey guys! I had the same problem and found a solution that costs $0 so you take a wrench, and go under the steering wheel there’s a box that says fuse open it and in the upper right hand corner there’s a little box that is the alternator take your wrench and bang it on there 3-4 times it will start every single time! I had been pulling out the alternator box until that didn’t work anymore and now this instantly got my car started don’t let any mechanic get hundreds of dollars from you for a simple fix! This happens because the vibrations of turning on the car and the engine make this alternator fuse come out to where the car won’t start, when you bang it with a wrench or something metal it instantly connects the fuses again(:
Thank you GuruZSS1Y. I tried your trick this morning and it worked. Will it last? We will see with use. The other trick that I used before your trick was to short cut two pins of the starting relay in the fuses box under the hood. I just used a small wire and with the relay in place, I move it to join the two pins and it starts. Don't forget to put your ignition at on.
Chrissychris2033 answered 7 years ago
Phil4jazz what kind of wire did you use? Can you get it at auto parts store?
I used a small cop wire. But it worked only a few times. Now it is not working anymore. The problem got worse and worse until I could not start at all. Actually, my car is in a garage to be repaired. I don't know the issue yet. Sorry I could not help more.
There is a TSB issued by Kia, google it for a 12 or so page PDF how to diagnose and repair: [ELE012] Sedona (VQ) Intermittent No-Crank Condition (ELE 012) TL;DR - there's a relay in the fuse panel that gets stuck. A good hit on the panel will usually get it going, but eventually it needs replacing.
Thanks my friend but mine was a bad earthing problem somewhere under the gearbox, so I fitted a thick cable from the negative terminal of the battery to the body, working fine.
It cost me $143 for the towing to the dealer and $145 for repairs which was replacement of a big fuse that we cannot check by ourselves. Now it is working fine, so far .....
I have/had this exact same problem (2009 Kia Sedona LX)! The van was working fine two days ago; suddenly, yesterday night it just wouldn't crank/start. I tried jiggling the alternator fuse in the dashboard... didn't work. I pulled out and inspected all fuses in the dash and under the hood... nothing amiss. I tried the thick wire to the negative terminal/engine block (thanks Phil4jazz), but that also didn't work. Then, I found this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCpxmdn0bYI&feature=youtu.be .......... Essentially, the video instructs you to put in and leave your key to the "ON" position and then go under the hood to access the fuse box there. On the right side, closest to the front of the vehicle, there is an enclosed grey box with four pins (the starter relay)... bust open the grey cover to access the stuff inside that box (screwdriver or needle nose pliers, break off the tabs). Within the grey box of the starter relay, there is a little tab that you can push and when it makes contact with the metal behind it, the vehicle will crank and start! .......... So, if you don't want to spend money, you can do this every time... or... I think I'm going to try and run a "start button" to within the passenger compartment. Or, I wonder if I can just replace this starter relay? It seems like an inexpensive part.
I've had this problem for 5 years on my 2005 Kia Rio Cinco. I found that If I lightly smack the relay box next to the battery that it will start every time. Can only be the starter relay sticking at this point.
I solved this problem otherwise because smacking the relay box was not enough at a certain point. I had a start button installed that bypass the relay box, connecting the starter directly to the battery. Problem solved.
Update to my previous answer - and I totally fixed my 2009 Kia Sedona LX (Canada)! To recap the problems: ignition not working (turn the key and nothing); front wipers not working (use the wiper stalk, nothing); engine light on, throwing codes P0480 Fan 1 Control Circuit & P0890 TCM Power Relay Sense Circuit Low; because of TCM code, transmission went into "limp mode", stuck in 3rd gear. After thinking and thinking about this problem for a month and testing this and testing that and replacing a few parts... including testing all the fuses/relays with a multimeter (such a valuable tool!)... finally realized that although the multimeter revealed that all the items were getting power, it must be the ground that has a problem! Got the service manual and found the ground point where the starter relay goes... and lo and behold the wire was chewed up. I think a squirrel must have chewed through the ground wire (a ground wire with four different things going to it - one that was easy to access after simply removing the battery and its tray). Mended the wire and amazing! The van was back to normal. I almost threw the thing out! TL;DR: a ground wire was damaged and once replaced, several problems on the 2009 Kia Sedona were fixed.
I found out on my 2006 Kia Sedona that if you hit around your fuse box and the lower left area of the steering column, my vehicle started up ...no problem. It has something to do with the alarm system still registering as being "locked". I now know I am not stranded, I just have to hit the right area...go figure!
2008 Kia Sedona, same issue. Been doing it for over a year. Just keep turning the key off and on and it will eventually start. Sometime have to do it 5 times, other times it takes 30 turns, but it eventually starts every time. A few time I got out and wiggled the positive battery cable and it seemed to start right up when I did this. There are tiny fuses in the positive battery cable right on top of the battery. I think that is the issue.
Our kia Sedona wouldn't start, turn the key e b.c. everything would light up checking starter, relays, ignition n other fuses, after sitting up for nearly 3 weeks my husband check fuses under dashboard and put in a 25 amp fuse perfect, thank God !!
Ignition switch Verify the starter selinoid works by opening up the engine bay fuse panel Remove the starter relay and poke a metal paper clip diagonally quth both ends of the paper clip where 87 and 30 would be plugged in. (on the box itself with the) With the key on. this crank the motor and that means the issue is between the switch and the box which would be ignition switch
We found if you look at the fuse box under the steering wheel the biggest relay on the top right keeps coming loose in the socket so when we push it the car starts and Kia won’t recognize the faulty socket. Hope that helps someone.
Guru9QH9P1 answered 3 years ago
Guru9D5NB5 answered about a year ago We found if you look at the fuse box under the steering wheel the biggest relay on the top right keeps coming loose in the socket so when we push it the car starts and Kia won’t recognize the faulty socket. Hope that helps someone. 2 of 2 people found this helpful. mine wouldnt start all day I did this after trying it 2 times then I did this and it started up. the next time we will see but I think I got it.