My power steering when out so I replace the power steering pump & now the only time i have power steering is when I step into the gas?
5 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago biw=1152&bih=624&tbm=shop&sclient=psy- ab&q=2000+Dodge+Durango+flat+belt+and+tensioner&oq=2000+Dodge +Durango+flat+belt+and+tensioner&gs_l=serp.12...5937.5937.2.8378.1.1. ab..
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago TID=8000000&origin=pla&JCW=1&JCW_SRC=PPC&003=27372719&010 =00DoDuRep1045054&VSID=d50372y2000j1&gclid=CILB747IsLsCFQlgM godgEgAwQ
migration_judge_roy answered 10 years ago
the tensioner is worn and not pullin' the belt...which is slippin'.....replace them both~
Also you need to bleed the power steering pump after filling it up with fluid, hope you have not damaged it. With the front wheels in the straight ahead position, check the power steering fluid level and, if low, add fluid until it reaches the cold mark on the dip stick. Start the engine and allow it to run at fast idle. Recheck the fluid level and add more if necessary to reach the cold mark on the dipstick. Bleed the system by turning the wheels from side to side without hitting the stops. keep the reservoir full of fluid as this is done. When the air is worked out of the system return the wheels to straight ahead position and leave the truck running for several more minutes before shutting it off. Road test your truck to be sure the steering system is functioning normally and noise free. Recheck the fluid level to be sure it´s up to the hot mark on the dipstick while the engine is at normal operating temperature. Add fluid if necessary. hope this helps.