shaky passenger side mirror
Asked by Wheaten777 Mar 12, 2022 at 02:53 PM about the 2014 Volkswagen Passat SE with Sunroof and Nav 1.8
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Passenger side mirror shaking while driving on highway, housing is secure.
4 Answers
VRoom12345 answered 3 years ago
Is the whole housing shaking or the mirror glass piece? I had a vehicle that would do that, replaced it and checked everything. I dealt with it for as long as I owned the vehicle. Does it feel like the rest of the vehicle is shaking? Like a wheel balance issue?
beatupchevy answered 3 years ago
Shove a wad of paper tween the mirror and housing .
Guru9RLP9F answered 2 years ago
I had the same issue. Mine was only the glass that was shaking. Turned out the glue had failed, so I took the glass off the plastice base, cleaned all the glue off both surfaces, reglued them with heavy duty weatherproof glue and put it back in. No more shaking since then.