Lexus ES300 Changed the Battery and will not start
Asked by GK2013 Feb 18, 2013 at 07:27 PM about the 2003 Lexus ES 300 FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Battery was getting week, so I changed the battery. Now the car will not turn over and will not start. Is
there a reset or security systems reset that is preventing the car from starting? Brand new battery and
new battery tested fine.
8 Answers
Thanks Tom. This is GK2013 again. I need to provide more detail. The starter does not turn one degree of revolution, the solenoid does not click or chatter. It is as if the starter has been removed from the car. No turning and no sounds. Please respond, thank you in advance.
abhineupane answered 11 years ago
I have the same problem mentioned above. It was a cold morning and my car would not start. I thought it was the problem with battery. I changed it. It worked for couple of days and again problem. Autozone diagnosed it having problem with alternator or voltage regulator. Alternator was replaced a couple of months ago. I towed my ES300 to Kunilexus. It is diagnosed problem with starter. They are charging me $610 for replacing the starter. I think I am charged too high. I don't know to replace it myself. I am helpless.
Lanre Olukolu answered 11 years ago
For not starting in the cold morning it might be the cold start switch
2 weeks ago I tried starting my Lexus 300ES 2002-it was completely dead-wouldn't turn over at all--after finding out it wasn't the battery but the 120A cartridge fuse was blown--finally got it replaced-so now the car starts but the theft detention system won't let me drive--I've tried multiple times to reset the system--does anyone have an idea of what else I can try
Replaced starter and starter relay on my Lexus L's 430 it still not starting
Doblo_2083 answered 7 years ago
Where the shifter is located there is a small tab on the top left side remove it press in the white button and with foot on brake while holding the white button down shift your car from park. If that works then you have a problem with your neutral safety switch.
Cycle the power locks with the remote.