My '99 automatic transmission Forester will not go into any gears except for reverse and park. Help!
Asked by giarc Jun 02, 2007 at 02:22 PM about the 1999 Subaru Forester S
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
The gearshift(stick) only will go into "park" or "reverse". The engine revs fine, and the vehicle moves backwards when shifted into "reverse", but I can't seem to get the gearshift into any of the forward drive positions. What can I expect to be done to correct this problem?
5 Answers
Hi giarc! All you can do is check the fluid levels on the tranny. It doesn't sound like that's the issue here. Your problem seems more systemic than that. The rage of solutions are wide due to a wide range of potential problems. Seek professional help. Put your Forester in from of a transmission specialist. Good luck!
Hi giarc - I have the same problem with my 1999 Forester. Did you find a solution?
sounds like one of your solenoids in your transmission. You should take it to a garage and let them run a diagnostic on it to identify if it is indeed a solenoid and if so which one. It could also be an electrical problem. But lets hope its electrical and not the solenoid!!
Strawberyluv answered 12 years ago
Had the same hesitation then the 99 forester jerked into it after 5-10 seconds Had to have mechanic check for head gasket problem and thermostat, can be those.
Girlneedhelp answered 6 years ago
Hi 99 superu forester won't go in reverse ive been told it needs a whole trans can it be anything else Please help on fixed income Thwnks tep